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70% of people find information online before shopping. Want to stand out among competitors? We'll show you how in five (5!) minutes.


Astudio has a clean and professional portfolio of hundreds of works. We have created many different corporate websites, online stores, trading platforms, commercial portals, site management systems, and CRM software for business automation. Our team has passed the phase of hundreds of clients' realization of dreams and goals, criticisms, and whims, as a result of those collective results Astudio has opened branches abroad as well.

We trusted

Defanse Housing
Shinhan Bank
RV Comfort

Development of websites and online stores from scratch

Astudio offers website development from scratch and SEO promotion. Having your own website is essential for any type of business. Our well-designed websites generate profit without taking days off, increasing turnover in any industry. According to research, sites built on free CMS platforms cause a diverse range of problems and incur additional costs.

The best investment is to build a website from scratch without using templates. Choosing a building method from scratch rather than using pre-made templates is the best investment.

Here are the four types of websites:

Creating a website implies unique requirements for each type of business. Customers provide a general description of the “website” influenced by advertising campaigns. In practice, all websites attract customers by selling a good product or service. However, in order to determine the optimal functions of the site, its meaning and type must be specified.

  1. Landing page: Provides basic business information and has functional limitations.
  2. Corporate website: Has a standardized structure and functional.
  3. Online store: Has multifunctional structure.
  4. Business portals: These are mainly designed for online startups.

There is no need to remind an entrepreneur that he must provide proper service when he opens an office or shop. Although the site is the same office or store on the Internet, it is mandatory to update the information, delete old data, upload prices, and respond to emails. Owners, who do not forget about the service after the development of the site, add texts, take into account our tips, after a few months return the money spent on the preparation of the site and feel a dynamic increase in orders.