Web services

Website SEO promotion

SEO Promotion is complex work that requires long-term cooperation. Before promoting, we audit the site. We provide a complete analysis, we and error correction tips. The first stage of website promotion is internal optimization. Optimization of SEO is implemented through Search Engine to improve indexing, rate increasing the first important step in website promotion.

Site advancement is a complex process, during which many factors must be considered. As long as the price of the SEO-service is up to domain age, rating, level of competition at Search Engine, it is hard to determine a price, without researching a specific site. If you have just made the site, a new domain promotion will take 10-12 months. At the beginning of the process, we make technical specifications sign a contract and according to that, we provide a result warranty.

Promotion with keywords

The promotion must be done with 40-120 keywords. Word ranking is rated low, average, and high frequency, which shows the frequency of searches in search engines and level of competition. The customers usually prefer to make promotions with high-level frequency words, but experience has shown that the most motivated client is becoming a buyer mainly with low-frequency requests. Then, After passing high-level requests trade amount is .1-1 percent. A client using low-frequency keywords in SE would more likely become your customer.

For example, you sell bedroom furniture. People with the “furniture” keyword can search not only bedroom furniture but also (and usually) other kinds of furniture, or can just look for pictures. So, in this case, the probability that the visitor is your potential customer is less likely. But the “Custom living room furniture” type of search (in case they find your website) probability of selling is doubling. So spending more on the ”furniture” you will get less result, then with a small budget on “custom living room furniture” passing TOP-10:

For an average corporate site, we recommend you to separate 30-40 low and 10-15 average-level frequency keywords.

  1. At the first stage of site promotion, 70% of the pages with low-frequency words appear at the top during the first quarter. The client gets the first results.
  2. At the second stage of promotion, during the next 3 months, the results are coming by average-level frequency keywords.
  3. At the fourth stage which lasts 4-6 months, in SE top appear pages with high-level frequency keywords.

To get results in the promotion process a dozen factors should be taken into account.

  • Market promotion, country, city
  • Competition level
  • Domain age, rating
  • Content updating frequency
  • Content uniqueness
  • Site quality(some websites developed on WordPress, Joomla CMSs are impossible to raise on top in SE).
Website SEO promotion

Order SEO services

Starting monthly 300$

SEO promotion service includes:

  1. Site audit service, semantic core formation
  2. Optimization of the site structure
  3. HTML CSS code optimization
  4. Work with meta tags
  5. Content analysis & optimization
  6. Web page’s speed optimization
  7. Fixing functional errors
  8. Usability improvement
  9. Analytical data analysis
  10. Site links quality improvement
  11. Technical work
  12. Work with content and texts
  13. Keyword promotion.