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Web development and SEO promotion

Website development and SEO promotion

We have blueprinted several versions of mock-ups based on the functional requirement documentation of the project. 
The platform has unique CMS coded from scratch without any templates. After completion of the project, we filled in all the necessary information on the website.

  • Creation date: 2018
  • Development period: 40 days
  • Website type: business site
  • Technologies and languages: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, PHP, MVC
Websites pages
Product catalog

Credit possobilities

In this industry, we have more than dozens of successfully done projects. Our goal is to make a possible business promotion on the network. We know that, due to financial problems, sometimes business owners deny or miss this essential step.
That means that financial worries disrupt the business plans. For such companies, we have a credit payment solution.

Websites pages 1
E-commerce features
Mobile website
Mobile version

Mobile version

The mobile version has a complex interface and configurations.
Used technology: Bootstrap

Mobile website 2
Mobile version 2

Search SEO promotion

  1. How to make the webiste popular?
  2. How to attract visitors to the platform?
  3. How to make them use it?

A search engine is a complex program that searches systematically for particular information and gives the most relevant information to searchers.
It provides the site display to users that have sent inquiries about an activity or product & intend to take action. That is why SEO promotion is rated higher than other types of advertising.

What are the indicators of the website?

Domain age & reputation are the main important factors in evaluation. 
A recently evaluated domain or an old URL that did not work stable hard to promote. So the first 12 months for such kinds of sites are the quarantine period, and no drastic actions can be taken. To circumvent this requirement, people sometimes take used domains but are unaware that changes to the domain owner's data, content, or subject matter can result in the reputation being nullified.
The technical optimization of the site has a great impact on webpage ranking. Mobile availability, maximum light pages, load speed, SSL certificate, image optimization… Experts list more than 100 indicators that must meet the minimum requirements of Lighthouse service.
The site's external link profile issue is the most controversial & is dangerous in SEO promotion. Yandex & Google officially announced that they will fight hard against "unnatural" SPAM links obtained through various means. What to do then?

To achieve such a result, either the site must be old enough, optimized, have quality content, a necessary text amount.
In short, be better than competitors' resources, or have quality external links to information pages. These links show the search engine the reputation of the pages. If other websites mention your URL or tell about your services, it is about the high reputation of the company. If you pay for such kinds of links, it is considered as SPAM.

Experience shows that it is impossible to rise to the TOP 10 without high-quality backlinks, especially in Google with highly competitive topics. Before it was possible to raise a low-quality site to the TOP only through links, but now it is necessary to improve all SEO indicators, only then carefully & selectively add external links.

70% of people find information online before shopping. Want to stand out among competitors? We'll show you how in five (5!) minutes.
