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Creating a store for online sales

Creating a store for online sales

Creating a store for online sales for the Fami Group company, which represents LC Waikiki, Penti, Cool Club, Sela and other brands in Armenia. In addition to having a fully automated sales procedure, the online store is also equipped with a customer database management system.

The Astudio company's team built the store's CMS from the ground up, guaranteeing both excellent security and the ability to add additional modules in the future.

  • Development period: 90 day
  • Website type: online shop
  • Technologies and languages: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap5, JS, jQuery, MVC Laravel
Websites pages
Range management

Range management

There are three ways that the website's product assortment can be managed. The automatic mode offers the chance to add goods, update balances and prices in different lists, and receive product range information from the accounting  software. We refer to the maintenance of a product list through an excel file as a semi-automatic mode. So that b y adding products to sections and filters, modifying the descriptions and prices, an administrator can use it to create a new collection. By establishing a product, filling in all the information, adding an image, gallery, video, etc.,also the site administrator can also manually add information.

Database management

Online store operators should take advantage of database management since it enables businesses saving time by automating the analysis of new orders, purchases, and client data.

The administrator, for instance, can sort customers by gender, age, activity, and other statuses and view the most and least popular products for a week or year, average trade quantities by time period, and other information using tools specific to the CRM program.

Websites pages 1
Database management
Mobile website
Mobile shop development

Mobile shop development

The development of a mobile store can be regarded as the building of a mobile application for the Android and iOS operating systems as well as the development of a mobile shop to ensure effective responsiveness for small displays. In the later case, we strive to make the design as close to a mobile platform's features as we can, despite any constraints.

Mobile website 2
Mobile shop development

What operations at an online store can be automated?

Before creating the website, our team gets acquainted with the client's business model, the activities performed on the way from the warehouse to the buyer, the specifics of the given field, and presents proposals on what processes can be automated in the created online store. CRM tools or modules are "responsible" for these activities, which have 3 main groups:

  1. Product range management
  2. Customer base
  3. Sales management.

We also have some tried-and-true techniques for reducing the staff's working time and lowering the costs of the online shopping process itself:

  • Accounting software integration, price & leftover updates
  • Exclusion of cash payment option, only online payment acception
  • Double checking balance and price before accepting online payment
  • Automatic transmission of orders to the accounting program,
  • Automation of coupon printing and order creation
  • Integration of Yandex (or any) Delivery delivery system.

If you run a commercial enterprise and want to boost the volume of sales generated by online transactions, speak with experts instead of settling for less expensive options or giving in to the need to act as a proving ground.

Big business starts from a small startup.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can order today.
