Keyword promotion

Keyword promotion

3819 18.09.2024

Would you trust SEO promotion of a website to a web studio that does not have a single successful case, and cannot even provide top positions in Google or Yandex search engines for its own website by keywords? If you know the mechanisms for checking this fact, we think you would not.

In order to prove its competence in SEO search promotion, a web studio must firstly provide top-10 positions for its own website by keywords.

The Astudio company managed to provide decent positions for its corporate website by the main keywords in the IT sphere on the first pages of Google web and mobile search results in Armenia. We are not praising ourselves, we are noting the facts. Despite the fact that actual positions within the top-10 may fluctuate with each search, we are not only in the top ten results for highly competitive keywords, but also occupy 1–5 places.

In Yandex, positions are also mostly top. Since Yandex search in Armenia is 4-5 times lower than Google indicators, we have slightly neglected the requirements of this system.

We have provided the same excellent indicators for the website of our Kazakhstani company and for the resources of customers from various business areas. Based on actual results, customers have become convinced that by making small investments in SEO promotion services, you can get a large flow of interested visitors.

To achieve such results, you need to take some measures:

  1. It is necessary to program the site with a competent architecture;
  2. After development, fill it with only unique content;
  3. Conduct an audit and internal SEO optimization (on-site or on-page SEO);
  4. Create a semantic core;
  5. Analyze texts and optimize them;
  6. Carry out external optimization and increase the number of natural links.

Website SEO optimization

Website SEO optimization is a technical improvement of the resource code, pages, speed to gain the trust of search algorithms and improve positions for keywords. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) optimization is important in the process of promotion by keywords. As a result of constant changes in Google and Yandex algorithms, search engines pay great attention to technical parameters:

  • Usability, convenience of the site;
  • Continuous improvements in loading time;
  • Mobile version improvements;
  • Quality, quantity, uniqueness of texts;
  • Ratio of the number of visitors and duration of visit;
  • Correct and reasonable interlinking of internal pages;
  • Correct use of meta tags and synchronization with texts.

Before working on a resource, to ensure compliance with the requirements of search engines and the convenience of visitors, it is necessary to do a comprehensive audit. Technical audit of the site includes checking HTML, CSS, JS codes, adapting content to different browsers, identifying problems that interfere with fast loading.

  • The structure of HTML and CSS code does not play a big role in the process of assessing the quality of the site. It is accepted that the correct code structure shows the literacy of programming in general. But large amounts of code can greatly affect the speed.
  • The visitor's decision to stay on your site or go to competitors depends on the page loading time factor. In the case of quality assessment, this argument is critical.
  • HTML adaptation or the presence of a mobile version is also an important factor in promotion work. The sharp increase in the number of mobile users has forced Internet search giants to change algorithms in favor of those sites that have a full mobile version.

Semantic core and content

Unique content is an important factor for indexing, ranking, and issuance. A well-written SEO text can provide a better result than a perfectly optimized code. Before compiling such content and posting it on the site, it is necessary to create a page structure, distribution of texts and photos, and backlinks between pages. To do this, before the main work, we create a semantic core of keywords, separating the corresponding keywords for each page.

Each page should be “responsible” for one high-frequency or medium-frequency and 1-2 low-frequency queries for keywords. The second step is editing texts and synchronizing with SEO attributes, meta tags. In this process, there are dozens of conditions that come from the experience of specialists.


According to official publications of Google and Yandex, backlinks must be natural. Buying links is prohibited. At the initial stage of the algorithm implementation, some large players began to buy low-quality backlinks to competitors' domains, thereby negatively affecting the positions of sites. Such unfair cases were quickly corrected. As a result of improvements, algorithms now mostly simply ignore low-quality links. The issue of obtaining a link mass is now easily solved. There are thousands of reference portals on the Internet, information sites intended for publishing articles, dozens of social networks. All these resources provide an opportunity to spread information about a business and get high-quality backlinks.

For example, by posting this article in the news section of the Google Business or on our company page in the GoodFirms portal, we not only advertise our capabilities in the direction of SEO services. But also receive high-quality backlinks and fast indexing.


The article was written in 2020 and updated in September 2024.

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