SEO promotion

SEO promotion

Would you trust the SEO service of a company that could not provide top state for at least its own website? To prove its effectiveness in SEO services, it must first provide keywords in the TOP 10 for its resource.
Astudio LLC was able to take a place in the TOP 10 of Google web-mobile versions in Armenia. We rank 1-3 positions with competitive keywords. Although in each search queriy the actual place in the top 10 can fluctuate, with the most competitive keywords we are not only in the top ten but also in 1-3 places.
The positions in the Yandex search engine also rank in the top 10s. As Yandex searches in Armenia are 4-5 times less than Google indexes, we have focused on Google SE. 
Our SEO specialists have shown the same excellent results for the website of partner companies in the Kazakh market. They are already convinced that, by making small investments in SEO promotion, it is possible to get a large flow of traffic.

Before achieving such results, there are several measures should be done.

  1. It is preferable to build a website by pure code
  2. Use of unique content
  3. Realization of audit and internal optimization
  4. To plan a semantic 
  5. Text analysis, and optimization
  6. External optimization

Site optimization

Website optimization is the technical improvement for Search Engines' trust, and keyword rankings upgrade. SEO has a key role in keyword promotion. 

After significant changes in Google and Yandex, Search Engines pay great attention to internal technical indicators

  1. Usability
  2. Content quality and uniqueness
  3. Visit duration
  4. Appropriate links
  5. Approprate meta-teg use

Before adopting the resource to the convenience of visitors and the matching search engine requirements compliance, it is necessary to perform a full audit. Website technical audit includes HTML, CSS code inspection, scan page load speed, adaptation to various browsers and screen sizes, robots.txt, sitemap.xml file presence.

  • The optimization of HTML and CSS does not play a big role in the quality of the website, but it is generally accepted that the valid code shows the quality of the software.
  • The speed of page loading primarily affects the visitor's decision to stay on your site or to pass to competitors. In the case of quality assessment, this factor plays no less important role.
  • Adaptation of HTML or the presence of a mobile version is a key factor. The rapid increase in the number of mobile users has forced search engine giants to change their algorithms in favor of sites that having mobile versions.
  • Sitemap is designed for complete indexing of the required pages. The actual search engines are so "sticky" that the presence or absence of the file is not decisive.

Semantic core and content

The Unique content is the most essential factor at indexation. At this point, good content can do more than bought links. The uniqueness of the texts is a possible but not sufficient condition for keyword promotion. Before creating content and designing a website, you need to understand the structure of the pages, the placement of the content, the connection between the pages. To do this, you need to create a semantic core, by selecting the appropriate keywords for each page.

The second step is to edit the text according to SEO requirements. Each page should respond to one high or medium frequency and 1-2 low-frequency keyword queries. There are dozens of terms in the text where keywords should be used, how many of them should be repeated. Proper use of keywords in title, description meta tags, h1-h2 headings are also significant.

Do you want to create a new project? Let's discuss it. You will hear reasonable prices and realistic deadlines.


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3405 01.02.2021