Web services

Web programming in PHP

Web programming using PHP. The most common service in the field of programming and website creation. There are hundreds of programming languages and frameworks in the world, but 30-year-old PHP continues to hold leading positions among them.

PHP was created in 1994, and became publicly available in 1995. Initially called PHP: Hypertext Processor, later — Personal Home Page Tools. Today, it remains in the TOP-10 most popular programming languages.

In the field of web programming, PHP is considered one of the practical, beloved, easy to learn and inexpensively maintained, with a high level of security languages. It is used in almost 80 percent of currently operating websites. Such distribution is also facilitated by the diversity of PHP frameworks.

The company Astudio began working in PHP in 2009, using the custom version to develop its first dynamic website. Working with PHP for many years, we have learned the advantages and disadvantages of the language, and created complex projects with “clean code” that are still working smoothly.

PHP programming directions

  • Business Websites development. Since the functionality of this language is specially created for website development, it best meets the requirements of web programming. Contains integration with HTML, compatibility with different databases, security tools.
  • For the e-commerce sphere, PHP offers many opportunities to make work easier. Well-known platforms and designers are created in this language. With their help, creation
  • In the direction of software development, PHP allows you to create content management systems (CMS), customer base management programs (CRM), various business automation projects.

The creation, development, and distribution of open-source PHP frameworks today allows you to reduce resources for the web programming process. Regarding this, you can get complex, safe, competitive and smoothly operating products with low cost.

What is a PHP framework

A framework is a structure of program code that is used as a framework and foundation for a future project. Such code libraries contain the most common website functions, making work easier. There are dozens of PHP frameworks in the world, each with its own advantages and problems.

  • Laravel
  • Yii, Yii2
  • CodeIgniter
  • Zend Framework
  • Symfony
  • CakePHP
  • Phalcon

The Astudio team from this list uses Laravel Framework more often, without ignoring Yii, CodeIgniter, Zend.

  • Laravel is a free open source product that was created in 2011. It allows you to develop complex websites, programs, CRM systems. Laravel is easy to master, saves time, has many security tools. Due to its simplicity, novice programmers regularly choose Laravel as a working tool. But everything is not so primitive. Beginners, selecting ready-made CMS on the framework, creating sites without understanding the nuances of the work, put “time bombs” under the customer's business.
  • Yii, Yii2 universal frameworks based on component architecture. Less common and underestimated in Armenia. Has a high level of security and encryption methods. Our company has several online stores on the Yii Framework, which, despite various hacker attacks, have been working smoothly for more than 6 years.
  • CodeIgniter is a compact framework, has many standard modules for creating components, very convenient for novice programmers when creating dynamic sites. In Astudio, the first experience of using a framework is associated with CodeIgniter. Many sites we have created with an age of more than 7 years are still working in the webspace.

Selecting a web programming language

In the process of web programming, despite the possibility of a wide choice, the choice of a web programming language is a secondary issue. The experience of a specialist is more important. No matter how many ready-made frameworks make the work easier, artificial intelligence does not provide solutions to complex problems, the probability of a specialist's error is high if the experience is less than three years. So, if you plan to develop your own website, focus not on the choice of a language or framework, but on the professional skills of the performer, portfolio, and guarantees.

  1. Check the partner's completed work;
  2. Hear feedback from previous customers;
  3. Check the prices for servicing programmers working in the selected language;
  4. Read about the advantages and disadvantages of the selected framework;
  5. Draw up a technical task in advance;
  6. Do not pay the entire amount of services in advance;
  7. Test the project with the help of a third party;
  8. Demand a technical guarantee for at least 1–2 years.
Web programming in PHP

Order custom PHP programming

One man-hour from 20 $

When ordering PHP programming services, you will receive a full consultation, business process analysis, optimal choice of technologies, clean work and contractual guarantees. 

Usually, we calculate the cost of an entire project from scratch based on the consumption of man-days and do not apply hourly payment. But if you have problems with an existing site, a desire to implement individual functions or other short-term tasks, we can estimate the number of hours required to complete the tasks and work on a man-hour basis.
