How to Make Money with an E-Commerce Website

How to make money with an e-Commerce website

3318 08.02.2018

There are thousands of businesses are wading into the world of e-commerce every day. Setting an e-commerce business requires many steps, but it is a profitable venture. 
Carrying out research into the industry is the very first and most important step, to start any business. Only then it is possible to make a business draft plan. Creating a draft plan will bring thoughts together, and help to do the best to move forward and compete effectively and rationally.

  • The research identified that transactions using payment cards have increased.
  • The rate of non-cash payments in developed countries is 33-61%,
  • In 2020, retail e-commerce sales worldwide amounted to 4.28 trillion US dollars and e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 5.4 trillion US dollars in 2022.

Despite the positive growth, there are factors that hinder development

  1. Factors that hinder e-commerce adoption include lack of regulations and legislation,
  2. Lack of awareness and education about e-commerce,
  3. Cultural factors such as social approval security, availability of standards, resistance to change, 
  4. Negative attitude, and lack of management commitment․

How to build a quality E-commerce platform

How to build a quality online store? Most businesses take at least 2 to 3 years to be profitable and become truly successful. It is necessary to take regular activities. Otherwise, you will notice that you have missed a great opportunity.
However, the financial investment is still half the battle. It is necessary to choose the right web software company, set the right requirements, and get quality resources.

To get started successfully you need to do the following steps first:

  • Research competitors, find out your disadvantages: Building consumer's trust and the right approach brings lots of benefits.
  • Set unique commercial offers, create your own bonus and accumulative systems. Building an e-commerce platform without a marketing policy is pointless.
  • Fill out the store with useful functionals and, tools, tools that give an opportunity to supervise the work of service personnel. 38% Of orders do not turn into purchases due to inconvenient websites, 50% of customers go to competitors due to non-professional operators.
  • Create a service plan, from the receipt of bids to the delivery of the product to the buyer.

How to choose the right IT company ?

Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing an IT company for your business development.

  1. You need to work with legal entities when creating a website. A minimum measure of three years of work experience is a measure of trust.
  2. Investigate more carefully the top ten search engine rankings (excluding paid advertising results).
  3. Don't build an e-commerce platform on ready-made free CMS templates. You know where the free cheese is.
  4. Call the clients of the candidate companies yourself, listen to objective opinions about the quality of service.
  5. Ask for Project requirements technical document, with the description of the overall project.
  6. Be careful with documents and contracts. Require all promises include in the contract.
  7. Don't skimp on the basis or through acquaintances check one or two jobs of a potential performer.

Big business starts from a small startup.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can order today.


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