Cheap website development

Cheap website development

3219 27.12.2022

We do not provide cheap website development. The background of this topic is distinctive.
Our team of experts assesses the performance of website on a regular basis by using the webmaster tools in Google Search Console, studying the keyword rankings, and taking into consideration technical insights for further improvements. Certain fluctuations in the tops were unavoidable, especially following the release of Russian and English versions of the resource. However, we will back to track later.

Last time when reviewing, we discovered that our site, which is in the top search terms for hundreds of words, is in the worst position, ranking 51st and 42nd for the words "cheap website development" and "building affordable business websites" respectively.

We have prepared those topics to increase our website, which does not stand out with cheap prices, to the top 10 with the mentioned keywords. According to analytic results, approximately monthly 200 potential clients looking for affordable services, using the word "cheap" as a keyword.

When working with such kinds of clients we:

  1. Explain the difference between cheap and flashy in the IT sector
  2. Telling about pricing mechanisms
  3. Representing options for reducing costs
  4. Customers with limited financial means have the option of installment payment.

However, before we can begin such an activity, we must first receive a call from a potential customer. That is the purpose of this topic. And how are we going to get there?

Building affordable business sites

A client looking for building affordable business sites (mostly in the Google search engine), when examining the search results, does not consider more than the first 3 pages, the top 30 results. The main positions with such commercial queries are sites, links to posts posted by individuals on social networks, and a few local companies.

As a result of this unique text, the addition of several cross-links on the pages, and other technical activities, we plan to increase the position of our website to the top 10 through the mentioned queries in about 5-6 weeks after posting this topic.

As a result:

  • A user reading this post and checking the results of our site will realize that we are capable of handling the arduous process of SEO promotion.
  • We can prove «cheap things cost more»
  • Those who are engaged will understand with a practical example how a commercial survey can be used in favor of business promotion.

So, from January 30 to February 6 in 2023, we'll wait to see the outcomes and update the other blog with new information.

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