Black SEO

Black SEO

Black promotion is an SEO promotion tool that is banned from Search engines algorithms. This method supposes the use of applications to increase the platform to the top ten in search engines in the shortest possible time.

Why not use the black SEO

  • Inexperienced SEO companies to show a quick result and get money by providing a result,
  • People who more likely want to promote their website.

Such people often create their websites using free templates. The result does not wait long. The domain is getting blocked, and the site owner is having a bad experience. Because the only goal for these companies, is to show the customer a quick result, get paid and wash their hands. After such a mistake, the customer is either disappointed with the concept of "promotion" or starts all over again.

Black SEO

Here are the main types of SEO promotion 

  1. Spamdexing (spam & index) -is the promotion through unnatural pages.
  2. Cloaking (cloak - cover) - Search engines show those pages filled with keywords but vary from the actual pages seen by site visitors.
  3. Swapping (Indexed page replacement) -This method of promotion is being discussed by experts only at the end of the site promotion. It is possible to show the "good" position and get the money. This method involves replacing the artificial content of the page after it has been indexed by search engines. Such pages can stay in the top ten until the next indexing - 1-4 weeks. That's enough time to sign the performance document.
  4. Doorway (Input page, setting fake resources) -pages that were created only for indexing are called Doorway. After crossing the Doorway, the visitor is directed to a promotional site.
  5. Linkbombing (GoogleBombing, search spam) -link spam. It involves the promotion of non-thematic search queries.

Search Engines punish for promoting by these methods. In order not to fall into such a trap apply SEO specialists from Astudio and get guaranteed services.

Do you want to create a new project? Let's discuss it. You will hear reasonable prices and realistic deadlines.


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