Website home page
Wholesale e-store

Shop for wholesale goods

The CMS of this Shop for wholesale goods has been designed from scratch without the use of ready-made templates. The smooth functionality of the website allows easy management of the customer base and partners. 

Users can add products only after registration and confirmation, regulate wholesale and delivery conditions, get online orders. At the last stage of project development, we have integrated a payment system, after which we prepared special training as CMS introduction & carried out warranty maintenance․

  • Creation date: 2017
  • Development period: 150 days
  • Website type: online shop
  • Technologies and languages: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Codeigniter
Websites pages
Product catalog

Product catalog

If you decided to start your own e-trade business, the first thing you have to do is to make a trading platform marketing policy, then decide on the products you want to offer.
Marketing policy depends on preference and budget. For example, the policy of Laleli online store is to be able to offer competitively priced clothes in the market due to its network with clothing wholesalers.

Seller's cabinet

Sometimes customers ask how the clothing e-stores work, what to look for when setting up an online clothing store if there is no commercial space.
Our experience has already shown that due to technology development progressive changes in the preferences of buyers, it is possible to create own business and ensure promotion without the existence of an offline store. Now potential clients prefer to look for products & information on the Internet, compare prices without visiting the offline store. This means that the consumer is primarily interested in the competitive price and fast service, not the building.

Websites pages 1
Sellers cabinet
Mobile website
HTML programming mobile version

Mobile version

During the mobile HTML programming of the site, we paid special attention to ensuring the convenience of buyers' and sellers' cabinets.

Mobile website 2
HTML programming

How does an online clothing store work?

Big business starts from a small startup.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can order today.
