We are awarded IQS-2014 winner

We are awarded IQS-2014 winner

Astudio web company got a high rate from Business Initiative Directions (BID) International Analytical Organization in 2014 and was awarded International Quality Summit Award (IQS) Gold Award.

Business Initiative Directions (BID) collects and evaluates companies from more than 170 countries, taking account several factors, such as performance indicator, customer satisfaction, technological innovation, competition level, and more. The winning company is selected by 50 professionals based on surveys. Representatives of 74 countries, specialists in various fields, economists, and experts in the field of quality control took a part in the 2014 awards ceremony.

Quality summit award story

Over the years of Business Initiative Directions, the company has awarded quality awards to organizations in 179 countries. The BID Quality Award is a unique indicator of success for the international business community. The award is given to organizations representing different areas of business, companies that, by becoming a member of a team, get the opportunity to expand business ties, & find new partners.

The Admissions Committee aims to provide equal participation opportunities to all companies, regardless of their size or activity field. For this purpose, 7 main criteria for evaluating candidates have been proposed

  1. Advantages
  2. Investments
  3. Customer satisfaction
  4. Use of latest technologies and methods
  5. Position in the market
  6. Strategy planning
  7. Business result.

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3228 18.02.2014